Rede Sem Fronteiras is an organisation that works to defend and promote the rights of migrants and refugees, and to articulate the Latin American diaspora.
Our history began in April 2008, in the city of Cuenca, Ecuador, during the Second Ibero-American Forum on Migration and Development (FIBEMYD), when its founding members realized the need for greater integration among organizations working in defense of immigrants, for urgent participation in decision-making spaces for migratory policies and for confronting the increase in xenophobia and discrimination around the world.
Promote human rights, the defence of migrants and refugees, their integration and the right to universal citizenship.
Build alliances between social movements and local authorities to advance the construction of universal, supportive and welcoming cities and alternative migration governance policies.
Articulate the Latin American diaspora, advocate policies of cooperation between peoples, for sustainable development, to overcome asymmetries, for the right to migrate and to migrate with rights.
Defend the social participation of migrants and refugees as a person with rights and constituents of migration policies.
Defend and support alternative proposals for public policies, draft laws and programmes based on human rights, with emphasis on gender, ethnic and generational diversities.
To influence decision makers for the full recognition of the labour, economic, social, cultural, environmental, political and civil rights of migrants and their families.
where are we
Ecumenical Foundation of Cuyo (FEC)
re* Derechos, Cultura, Diversidad y Migración Uruguay
Coordinator of Abogados del Paraguay (CAP)
Cry of the Excluded Continental
Latin American Association of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Alampyme BR)
Presence of Latin America (PAL)
Children of the World Association (FEME)
Edésio Passos Institute (IEP)
Center for Human Rights and Immigrant Citizenship (CDHIC)
Center for Immigrant and Refugee Women (CEMIR)
Andean Program for Human Dignity (PROANDES)
Consultancy for Human Rights and Forged Displacement (CODHES)
Lisbon House of Brazil (CBL)
Diaspora Without Borders (DSF)
Madrid Association of the Agora
People's House of Barcelona
Our story
Aida Garcia Naranjo
Adriana Fadel
Alfonso Ramiro Hinojosa Gordonava
Carolina Huatay
Paulo Illes
Valeria Chiavetta
Luiz Bassegio
Jose Lindomar Coelho Albuquerque
Fiscal Council
Fiscal Council
Rafaela Oliveira Ludolf da Silva
Fiscal Council
Danielle Puires de Souza
Luciana Landgraf White Castle
Clara piazza
Jessica Wedge of Medeiros
fabiane cristina silva mesquita
Mary Jaqueline Restrepo Diez
Bertille Paquet
Fabian Mesquita
Marcela France da Costa
freedom valentina garcia
letícia diniz nogueira
tali pires de almeida
hendy ferreira ribeiro pinto
Leticia Ramos Xavier Regis
Mariana Martins Silva
Vivianne Rodrigues Chagas
Willemjan Vandenplas